In October 2001, we were introduced to a new strain of Chlorella familiy of Algae, called Chlorella Sorokiniana (scientifically named as Chlorella Sorokiniana). It has been known as the king of all algae in the world.


Under microscope 1200 times, observe the splitting of Chlorella Sorokiniana into 4 single cells in 24 hours.


It does not require its cell wall to be broken, and it has naturally a 95% digestibility rate in less than 2 hours after you have consumed it. Unlike the other common Chlorella (chlorella pyrenoidosa) had a 85% digestibility rate in 5 hours.

This may be the pathway for you to regain the good health you once had or to continue improving the good health you already have.

Our goals are to share with you and all your friends the world most wonderful whole food supplements that have been so beneficial in restoring and maintaining our health. And to be equally beneficial to you for your knowledge and continuing good health.

Facts on Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula

Balanced Nutrients

As the balanced nutrients contained in Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula, a natural food, are whole nutrients required for human cells mostly, there would not be any side effect even when extra doses are taken.

Improve Constitution

Chlorella Sorokiniana can change the acidic body into milder alkaline qualities and improve immunity. The S-Nucleotide contained in Chlorella Sorokiniana cells can enhance the vitality of macrophage, which will get rid of cancer cells and viruses, etc. in return.

A Required Supplement for Vegetarians

Chlorella Sorokiniana is nature’s richest food source of vitamin B12 and complements the specific weakness of vegetarian nutrition as no other plant food can.

Natural Regeneration and Slimming

Obesity is caused by deficiency of vitamin B complex. When required vitamin B complex can be supplemented by taking Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula, constitution will be improved and the effect of natural slimming will be achieved.

Eradicate Atopic Dermatitis

As Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula contains Gamma-linolenic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid in breast milk, atopic dermatitis can be eliminated efficiently. In addition, growing babies who are deficient in nutrients from drinking processed milk instead of breast milk can be supplemented by taking Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula.

Avoid Anemia and Osteoporosis

Profuse iron and calcium are the major mineral sources for females since iron lost during periods can be supplemented efficiently and osteoporosis at old age can be prevented.

Prevent Aging

As Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula contains SOD enzyme (anti-oxidant), SOD deficiency resulted from increasing age and decreasing metabolism can be complemented, which will slow down aging and prevent wrinkles, chloasma, Melasma (black spots) and gray hair from occurring.

Relieve Diabetes Patients of Various Symptoms

As Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula is an alkaline food with rich potassium and plant protein contents, long-term intake can ensure to change the acidic body of diabetes patients into alkaline qualities efficiently as well as to improve various diabetes symptoms significantly.

Cancer Prevention Function

Change the acidic body into milder alkaline qualities.

Boost Immunity.

Contain rich SOD enzyme (anti-oxidant).

Improve the Bowel System (hyperacidity, gastric ulcer, gastroenteritis)

Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula can repair mucous membranes, reduce inflammation and irritation, restrain and neutralize hydrochloric acid, activate movement within intestinal walls and bowels and assist peristaltic action.

Reinforce Liver Functions and Regenerate Healthy Liver Cells

Chlorella Sorokiniana myPPARs Formula can repair mucous membranes, reduce inflammation and irritation, restrain and neutralize hydrochloric acid, activate movement within intestinal walls and bowels and assist peristaltic action.